Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dr. House

As we are waiting for the new GG season we've switched to Dr. House. Hugh Laurie as Greg House is really cool. I love his cynical, black humor. The stories are quite enthralling and there are lots of witty dialogue sequences.

Season 1, Episode 8 (Poison)
There is an old lady (Georgia) who does not behave her age, due to syphilis (her sexual pleasure center of the cerebral cortex has been over-stimulated by spirochetes).

: I notice colors more. And music. I- I'm really hearing music. I'm eighty-two, and I'm supposed to be playing canasta with the other old ladies, but... now when I see a guy with a cute butt...I just can't stop looking at him. [looks at House] Or a sexy beard.

Dr. House
: And you figure that enjoying cute butts is a sign of disease?

It's not the main storyline of this episode, but I simply love it. Especially the parts where the (grown up) son of this old lady is shocked by her queer behaviour ... and her confession that she slept with someone else, before she came to know his dad ...

: But Mom; you said Dad was your first love.
: He was. We're talking about sex.


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