Sunday, April 15, 2007

300 - Leonidas & Gorgo

'300' tells the story of king Leonidas of Sparta and his doomed fight with 300 Spartians against the persian king Xerxes and his superior forces in the Battle of Thermopylae.

It is a most impressive story, no wonder it survived centuries.

Sparta was never famous for philosophy like Athens, but for its warriors and their extremely strict and forceful education. The word 'laconic' also has its roots in Sparta ... and although this seems to be contradictory, the women of Sparta were highly respected.

This is also part of the plot. The relationship between king Leonidas and his queen Gorgo might not be the most important part when watching a movie about war, fighting and killing, but it is - especially from the female point of view - most mentionable.

I loved the dialogue between Leonidas and Gorgo, when Leonidas had to decide whether to act according to the prophecy of the oracle - who forbade to send an army - or not.

Leonidas: Then what must a king do to save his world when the very laws he has sworn to protect force him to do nothing?

Gorgo: It is not a question of what a citizen should do, nor a husband, nor a king. Instead ask yourself, my dearest love: 'What should a free man do?'

Thank God they made the movie in a VERY different way from 'Troja'. I'm still getting extremely angry thinking of this ... crap.

But - given you like ancient war stories like 'Braveheart' or 'Gladiator' - please see for yourself. IMHO it's really worth watching, because of the plot and of the way it is told, with perfect technical effects and overwhelming pictures (and some quite laconic statements).

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